9 OCTOBER 2020 / 10.30 AM - 3.35 PM
The new window on Transients and Variable Star astronomy with the Rubin Observatory

Invited Speakers:
Stephen Smartt (LSST:UK Project Scientist)
Rachel Street (LSST Transients and Variable Stars Co-chair)
Sarah Casewell (LSST:UK Variable Stars Point of Contact)
Cosimo Inserra (LSST:UK Transients Point of Contact)
The Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) at the Vera Rubin Observatory will revolutionise our understanding of transients and variable stars, providing the golden opportunity for unbiased population studies and discoveries of yet unknown astronomical transients. This RAS specialist discussion meeting will promote the LSST survey to UK astronomers working in these fields, and will also explore the potential of LSST data for these astronomers, laying the ground for a 10-years stream of data.
The LSST dataset provides important synergies with existing and future surveys such as the transiting planet surveys TESS and NGTS now, the star surveyor Gaia, the gravitational waves experiments LIGO/KAGRA/VIRGO and their electromagnetic counterparts hunters GOTO. The UK has involvement in PLATO, Gaia and EUCLID and the proposed missions THESEUS and SPICA which will further increase the legacy values of multiwavelength and multi-instrument studies. Exploring and defining the LSST-TVS stream of transients is one of the largest and most exciting challenges facing astronomers. Thanks to this meeting we can produce cornerstone work that will influence the era of such a giant survey.
10.00 - Stephen Smartt - The landscape for time-domain science in the 2020s
10.30 - Roy Williams- The LSST:UK Transient Broker: is it What You Want?
10.50 - Matt Nicholl - Kilonova population inference and strategies for Rubin MMA
11.10 - Graham P Smith - Rubin Observatory and the hunt for strongly-lensed gravitational waves
11.30 - Patrick Sutton - Multi-Messenger Astronomy with Gravitational Waves and the Rubin Observatory
11.50 - Laurence Datrier - Prospects for multi-messenger astronomy with EM-triggered gravitational wave searches
12.10 - Lunch break
12.40 - Julian Osborn - Theseus for high-energy time-domain astrophysics
13.10 - Danny Steeghs - The Gravitational wave Optical Transient Observer (GOTO)
13.30 - Umar Burhanudin - Transient and variable source classification for GOTO
13.50 - Tom Wilson - Better identification of variable and transient sources using improved catalogue cross-matching techniques
14.10 - Tomás E. Müller-Bravo - Type Ia Supernova Cosmology With PISCOLA
14.30 - Chris Frohmeier - The Time-Domain Extragalactic Survey
14.50 - Cyrielle Opitom - Things that go bump in the night: Solar System transients
15.10 - Boris Gaensicke - White Dwarfs in LSST
15.30 - Rachel Street - TVS Science Collaboration: Preparing for Time-Domain Science with LSST
16.00 - Discussion
